"Don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity." 1 Timothy 4:12

Sunday, September 13, 2009

21 Day Challenge- Day Thirteen

He was a teenager. The youngest of 8 brothers. Up until this time in his life, he had never done anything that most people would have considered significant. His family owned animals outside the city, so most of his day consisted of taking care of animals. Basically, his job was the one nobody else wanted to do.
His older brothers, on the other hand, seemed to have it all together. They were much more developed physically. He was at times overlooked,overshadowed by his older brothers.
The three oldest brothers were not only more physically developed, but thier jobs seemed to be so much more significant than his. While he was back home doing family chores, his three oldest brothers had joined the military and were off to war!
Surely seeing the sucess of his older brothers caused him to desire to do something more significant with his life. But he was just 15 years old. He was going to have to settle for doing the small tasks he had been given.
Even if he had dreams of significance, somehow he found a way to enjoy things that seemed insignificant. He began to take pride in caring for his father's livestock, protecting them from predators. In fact, he was known to have killed two of the most feared predators in that area.
There were times when his older brothers belittled what he did, but that never seemed to bother him. No one seemed to care about how hard he was working, but that didn't stop him from doing his very best.
Because he was faithful with little things, God blessed him with great things. You may have heard of this young man. He soon became one of the most famous people of all of history. His name was David.
As you know, David was given an opportunity to do a big job: to kill Goliath, the giant.
David greatly surpassed his brothers in significance in just one day!

***Read Ecclesiastes 9:10***
It says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."

All of us have a starting point in life. No one starts out at the top. There is a process involved in reaching our goals. Part of the process is learning to do our very best wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Giving it our very best effort like David did. God will honor you for giving it your all.
In your prayer, praise and listening time today, ask God to show you ways you can improve your effort in every area of your life. Whether it be at school, your job, or in cleaning the floor....give it your very best!

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