If you haven't read the 21 Day Challenge Introduction, you can read it HERE before you begin!
Day Three
The word 'revival' means: restoration to life, consciousness, vigor, strength; an awakening, in a church or community, of interest in and care for matters relating to personal religion.
As Christians, we all want revival in our churches, schools, homes, etc. We desire for God to move in a mighty way in our world, but where does it begin? How can we start a revival?
A famous British evangelist gave this advice on how to start a revival: "Go home and get a piece of chalk. Go inside your closet and draw a circle on the floor. Kneel down in the middle of the circle and ask God to start a revival inside the chalk mark."
One day a man named Isaiah was in prayer. Read his account of what happened next in your Bible:
**Read Isaiah 6:1-8**
In this passage, Isaiah found himself in the presence of God and was quickly overwhelmed by God's holiness. Immediately, he was reminded of his own sin. When Isaiah responded with repentance and obedience, God did great things through him. He responded by confessing his sin, and then telling God, "here I am, send me."
God wants to meet with you and to do great things through you. How will you respond? Maybe you need to draw that chalk circle, kneel and pray!
In your prayer, praise and listening time today, ask God to cleanse your heart and surrender your whole life to Him like Isaiah did. If you truly want revival in your world, it first must start in YOUR heart before it can reach to others.
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